Our main objective in this project is to implement IETF standards geolocation protocols. In that effort, our current code either implements or is on the way to implementing several IETF documents:
- draft-ietf-geopriv-http-location-delivery
- draft-ietf-geopriv-lis-discovery
- RFC 4119
- RFC 3825
- draft-ietf-geopriv-rfc3825bis
- RFC 4776
- draft-ietf-geopriv-dhcp-lbyr-uri-option
- draft-thomson-geopriv-held-measurements
There are also some other open-source projects that are devoted to standards-based location-awareness:
- Zap! VoIP emergency calling client
- Andrew Co. Open-source HELD Client & Server
- Geode-HELD Firefox extension
If you have questions about the project or Internet geolocation in general, please contact the developers through Sourceforge, or check out the loc-imp google group.